
Author: Iñigo Serna, inigoserna AT gmail DOT com
Version: 1.0, April 13th. 2014
Home page:
Copyright © 2014, Iñigo Serna
This software has been released under the GNU Affero GPL License version 3 or later.
Last update:Sun Apr 13 16:08:02 2014

Table of Contents


Bookmarks is a simple personal web-based application to manage web bookmarks.

It was coded as a funny practice, but it includes some nice features:

It's written in Python 3 and uses BottlePy web microframework, which is included with the package. I think this little application can be useful for anyone learning Python web programming.

Download from here. Code and development is publically available in the BitBucket repository.

Web interface on Firefox 28 on Fedora Linux 20
ss1.jpeg ss2.jpeg
Home page Bookmarks

Using bookmarks


Start the program from the command line and open a web browser pointing to the URL provided in the CLI:

$ python3
Bottle v0.12.5 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

You can import bookmarks from Firefox in JSON format:

$ python3 --import-firefox-json bookmarks.json


Bookmarks has impletented a powerful searching mechanism, which is accesible from the home page.

In the results page you can click on the search term to edit it.

Some examples:

Will search for the string "Bookmarks", both in capital or lower cases
Bookmarks tag:python
Will search for the string "Bookmarks" but only in bookmarks with the tag "python"
Bookmarks tag:python,+bottlepy,-sqlite
Will search for the string "Bookmarks" but only in bookmarks tagged with "python" AND "bottlepy", but NOT WITH "sqlite"

Managing bookmarks

You can add, edit or delete bookmarks from the web interface.

Add bookmark manually

Click on the "+" icon in home page and fill the required fields.

Add bookmark from your web browser

Save this Bookmarklet in your web browser Bookmaks Toolbar and click it whenever you want to add a new bookmark for current page:


NOTE: you might need to change the URL above.

Edit bookmark

In bookmarks view, place mouse over the bookmark and click on the "edit" icon at the right.

Delete bookmark

In bookmarks view, place mouse over the bookmark and click on the "x" icon at the right.