
Author: Iñigo Serna, inigoserna AT gmail DOT com
Version: 1.0, May 14th. 2012
Home page:https://inigo.katxi.org/devel/ebook-thumbnailer

(C) 2012, Iñigo Serna

This software has been realised under the GPL License version 3 or later, read the COPYING file that comes with this package for more information.


Last update:Mon May 14 00:46:56 2012

Table of Contents


ebook-thumbnailer.py is a python script which generates thumbnails for some common ebook formats.

The package also includes the needed schemas to be integrated with GNOME 3 Desktop but it should easily work with any other desktop environment.


Current supported formats are:

Dependencies: python v2.6+, pygtk, cairo, pypoppler, mobi_unpack, python-chm

Note that, as mobi_unpack is not usually provided by your OS, download it from MobileRead copy to your system and change line #160 in the script. Search MOBI section in source for more information.

You could even use PIL/Imaging instead of pygtk to create the image files. Code is already there, just comment/uncomment the proper lines in function create_thumb.


Download this file, copy binary and thumbnailers definition:

# cp ebook-thumbnailer.py /usr/local/bin
# cp {chm,epub,fb2,mobi}.thumbnailer /usr/share/thumbnailers

optionally (not needed as evince - GNOME default pdf viewer - already can create thumbs for .pdf files):

# cp pdf.thumbnailer /usr/share/thumbnailers

and restart nautilus.

Remember the extra step for mobi ebooks.