MyNewspaper v4.0 released
I’m really pleased to announce a new release of MyNewspaper, a web-based personal ATOM/RSS aggregator and feeds reader.
This new version has been completely rewritten from scratch.
It’s under GNU Affero GPL License version 3 or later.
Some technical points of interest:
- written in Python 3.2+
- backend based on BottlePy web micro framework, FeedParser, SQLite, DateUtil
- frontend with javascript (jQuery, jQueryUI)
More information, and download link at:
- [main]
- [code repository]
MyNewspaper can be considered an old project, as first version dates from 2005, and since then it has adopted and adapted different web paradigms: CGI running on a web server in v1.0, pure web app in v2.0, javascript and AJAX for v3.0.
A couple of years after v3.0 release I abandoned it to join Google Reader wave, but since the announce of its shutdown I turned to MyNewspaper as I didn’t like any of the alternatives. Thus I rewrote from scratch all the code. It was fast, I had a working version in a month, many weeks before Google Reader closed, but then it took about 10 months more to write the documentation…
Anyway, this is now version 4.0, a very fast and nice web-based feeds reader for personal use.
Of course, all comments, suggestions etc. are welcome.