Blog Archive


  • Slim Devices was a now-defunct company who produced network music players well ahead of its time. It offered more-than-good music streaming quality and many other special features, like music...
  • Just released a maintenance new version of lfm, with some bugs fixes from last times. More information Home page: Pypi: Code...


  • Yesterday I released lfm version 3.0, the powerful file manager for the UNIX console I started coding in 2000 or 2001. This is an important release as it’s the first compatible with Python 3, in...
  • As usual, much time has elapsed without updating the blog. I had some ideas in my head but was too lazy to write anything. Anyway, I come back today with possibly my preferred software...


  • Bookmarks is a simple personal web-based application to manage web bookmarks. It’s written in Python 3.2+ and uses BottlePy web microframework and jQuery javascript library. Both are included with...
  • I’m really pleased to announce a new release of MyNewspaper, a web-based personal ATOM/RSS aggregator and feeds reader. This new version has been completely rewritten from scratch. It’s under GNU...


  • En primer lugar perdonad por lo tópico del titular, pero aún así me resisto a buscar otro, éste resume perfectamente lo que trato de explicar en la presente entrada. Liu Cixin es un escritor chino...
  • I bought a Kindle 4 ereader last November, when Amazon started selling this model in Spain. I already own another couple of ereaders — and in fact I’m still in love with the IREX DR800, but as...
  • Today I’ve announced a new little tool I wrote a couple of weeks ago. is a python script which generates cover thumbnails for some common ebook file formats. This blog entry...
  • Hace apenas un par de semanas cogí unos días de vacaciones de esos que aún me quedaban del año pasado y nos fuimos a una casa rural, no muy lejos al norte de Solsona, en el prepirineo de Lleida,...
  • Ok, after more than 6 years of silence, here we are with a new entry in the blog! Lots of things during this time: a couple of sons, a new job, I recently started my 40’s… but life continues. Even...


  • As I mentioned in last entry, during December I rewrote Katxijasotzaileak web page . This week I did last tests and changed the redirections, so the new web is officially released to the public...


  • Along this week I’ve been reading the documentation of lighttpd, a light and fast web server. Encouraged by its simplicity I installed and replicated my apache configuration (4 virtual hosts, some...
  • Much time since I last blogged… Anyway, today I released Pynahotheka, a python script which generates nice static HTML photo albums in which I’ve been working last 2 months. It’s written with...
  • One of the oldest projects in my TODO list was to rewrite a desklet I coded some time ago. I’ve been considering the idea for many months - maybe too much - but with the latest improvements in...
  • Last years I’ve been using emacs as main editor - even IDE - for all my coding, with occasional quick uses of mcedit, but after the PyGtk BoF which took place in Mataró last December 2004, I gave...



    I’ve added another script to feed my RSS reader. In this case is, a python script to get latest news from El Correo Digital. It is implemented as a command for Liferea, i.e., a script...

    While half the world is watching Olympic Games and the other half is discussing about decorators, and as far as my good proposal (“#decorator” :) has been sadly ignored, I’ve spent last days...
  • Página web

    Poco que comentar, pues en los últimos días apenas he hecho nada… (ya comentaré el por qué más adelante). Lo único destacable es que he upgradeado el blog a la versión 2.4 del NewsBruiser.
  • Tras unos pocos días trabajando en ella, ya está prácticamente terminada mi nueva página web. Quedan unas pocas cosas, como añadir algunos contenidos y terminar el soporte de la webcam, pero, en...
  • Venga, lo he decidido… me he levantado hace unos pocos minutos y, como tampoco tengo nada mejor que hacer, pues me caso, hala.
  • -6

    Es muy complicado, sinceramente. Algoritmos de optimizaciónn de la satisfacciónn general no son suficientes, pues el nivel de bienestar de cada persona ha de tener un nivel aceptable (superior al...
  • Como consecuencia de la Despedida de Soltera de Montse de anoche, están las siguientes fotos. Y para prueba, la siguiente:
  • -15

    Bueno, pues ya estamos a 15 días del GAS (Gran Acontecimiento del Año). Acabo de enviar un link de la iglesia a la lista de correo para que la vayáis conociendo. Y dando un giro de 90 grados al...
  • Recordando…

    Estaba escuchando algo de música al azar mientras programaba absorto en mis cosas cuando nada más oír los primeros acordes del Deltoya de Extremoduro un recuerdo se ha apoderado de mi mente… aquel...
  • I’ve decided to stop compiling GNOME by myself. Why? Yesterday I spent 6 hours compiling v2.6, just to discover Evolution (v1.4.x or v1.5.x) and Control Panel didn’t work. As I share the computer...
  • Pues sí, chicos, la vida es bella.